Today we will learn about how to open report and recent in File of FineReport business intelligence tool in this article.

1. Open report

Select File > Open in the menu of our report designer to pop up an interface as below:

1.1 Open the template under report working directory

The report working directory is the directory where current login environment of designer locates.

1.2 Open the template under other directories

Open the template saved under other directories, like disk C, D, E, or F.

1.3 Import Excel file to generate a template

Import an Excel table to directly transfer the existing table model into a template:

When importing an Excel table, you need to change the file type into Excel source file type, as shown above.

Support import of Excel2003 and Excel2007 in designer.

2. Open recent

Select File > Open Recent to see the recent templates, as shown below:

Click this button to quickly open the recent templates.