We will introduce Row-based Report – Data Scale Up of FineReport reporting software in this article.The section describes the realization process of a row-based report to show data extension.

1. Description

A row-based report is a list-like schedule as the most common and simplest report style, as shown below:

A row-based report uses the vertical extension attribute of a report to show a list-like table. The section describes the realization process of a row-based report to show data extension.

2. Creating steps

2.1 Prepare data

Data is prepared by two steps: preparing data connection and data set A data connection called FRDemo will be built in when installing the exe of FineReport; it is connected to Sqlite database of WebReport under the project. All subsequent sample data in the document are sourced from the database.

After connection to database FRDemo, the built-in database table order is used to make an order list.
Create a new workbook and add data set ds1 with SQL statement SELECT * FROM ORDER.

2.2 Design templates

Design sample table according to actual conditions, as shown below:

Based on the field header in the sample table, drag fields in the data set to corresponding cells, as shown below:

FineReport data is displayed in three modes: List, grouping and summary.

List: As the above effect graph shows, data is displayed in a list format without any grouping;

Grouping: It means the rear cell will filter and group data based on the data in the front cell and display the data after combination of duplicates;

Summary: It means the cell data will be calculated, summarizing sum, average, maximum, minimum and number, for cells with value-type fields only.

Note: Data is displayed by groups by default. For the effect style of each mode, refer to Data Display Mode.

As the effect graph shows, the row-based report is displayed in a list format, so it is necessary to set the data display mode of field Order ID as List.

Note: It is only necessary that the display mode of Order ID in the leftmost cell is set as List, as described in Parent-Child Cell. As a cell will take, by default, a vertical extension cell adjacent on the left as its parent cell, A2 is the parent cell of B2, B2 is the parent cell of C2 and so on. By data transfer, it is visible that the parent cell of all cells is cell A2 of Order ID, so it is only necessary to set the display mode of A2 as List and the other cells will follow the same display mode.

As Freight Charge in the database is in decimal format, the data format may be set to keep two decimal places for the sake of neatness. Select cell F2, choose Cell Attribute Table – Style in the Cell Attribute Table at the lower right corner, select Digit in Format and set it to keep two decimal places, as shown below:

For details about cell style, refer to Data Display Style

2.3 Save and issue reports

For completed templates, refer to %FR_HOME%\WebReport\WEB-INF\reportlets\doc\Primary\DetailReport\Details.cpt.

Click Details.cpt.to check template effect online.