We will introduce Cell Extension of FineReport reporting tool in this article.Extension literally implies a transformation from singularity to multiplicity.

1. Description

Before jumping to report design, the Chapter will provide a brief introduction to several basic concepts about making a report of FineReport, in combination to Cell extension upon which a report of FineReport is relied.

Extension literally implies a transformation from singularity to multiplicity, and accordingly, cell extension refers to a transformation from one cell to multiple cells when viewing template effect via the web, as shown below:

2. Cell Extension

As known to anyone who has used Excel, a cell has only horizontal and vertical directions, which is the same case for a report cell of FineReport as an Excel-like report tool. Therefore, a report cell of FineReport can be scaled either horizontally or vertically, or resort to no extension.

2.1. Vertical extension

For data in a cell to be displayed in a top-down manner, i.e., vertical extension (row extension from one row to multiple rows) as shown below, input in the cell formula range(5) and select Vertical as the extension direction in the right Cell attribute table – extension attribute:

2.2 Horizontal extension

For data in a cell to be displayed in a left-right manner, i.e., horizontal extension (column extension from one column to multiple columns) as shown below, input in the cell formula range(5) and select Horizontal as the extension direction in the right Cell attribute table – extension attribute:

2.3 No extension

For no extension of data in a cell as shown below, input in the cell formula range(5) and use No Extension as the default extension direction in the right Cell attribute table – extension attribute:

Note: The default extension direction is no extension for a cell containing formulas, and vertical extension for a cell containing data columns of a data set.

For the address of online video in the section of Cell Extension, please refer to [Cell Extension and Parent-Child Cell]