We will introduce how to set advanced attributes of a cell of FineReport business intelligence tool in this article.

1. Advanced

To set advanced attributes of a cell in report designer, click the Advanced button at the right top of data column cell, or double click cell and select Advanced, as shown below:

1.1 Sort

You can sort data columns in ascending order, descending order or no order. For details, refer to Advanced Sort.

1.2 Result set screening

You can set display of result sets, like display the previous N, and last N sets. For details, refer to Result Set Screening.

1.3 Custom display

You can custom display value. For example, input FR formula and change the cell display value. The data saved in data column are FineReport software, as shown below. To display FR to its full name FineReport, click Data Column > Advanced and replace FR with FineReport in Custom Display through function.

Save the template and click page break preview. You can see that this data column is displayed as FineReport Software at web side.

Note: Custom Display only changes the display value. The actual value in database remain unchanged.

1.4 Extensibility

Data extensibility can be divided in to horizontal extensibility and vertical extensibility. For details, refer to Cell Extension;

1.5 Supplement blank data

To supplement blank data, you can set data multiples. For example, if data multiples is set as 10, data less than 10 pieces will be supplemented to 10 pieces.