In the past few years, the term “data science” has been widely used, and people seem to see it in every field. “Big Data”, “Business Intelligence”, “Data Analysis” and “Artificial Intelligence” came into being.

For a while, everyone seems to have begun to learn data analysis. However, before you get started, you can’t help but ask questions: is it suitable for me to learn data analysis? What is the application of data analysis? What is the outlook for data analysis? Then these books, I think you must read.

From Google

1、About thinking

Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

By Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier

“Illuminating and very timely . . . a fascinating — and sometimes alarming — a survey of big data’s growing effect on just about everything: business, government, science and medicine, privacy, and even on the way we think.”
—New York Times

The author is known as “the prophet of the big data era”, this book is the first of its kind in the study of big data systems. Although this book may have been somewhat outdated in the present, many of the ideas in it are still very useful.


Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age

By Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

Delete received the “Tang K. Price Award” from the American Political Science Association and the “Marshall McLuhan Award” from the Media Environment Society. Delete started a heated discussion about “forget”, let us always remember the virtue of forgetting. This book tells us how to make a positive and safe future in the face of massive information in the big data era.


Power Thinking: Thinking Determines Leadership

By Ohmae Kenichi

This book provides us with a new way of thinking. Enterprises and individuals can only find the correct thinking mode by changing the existing thinking mode, giving up their fascination with past success, and learning creative ways of thinking.


Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being

By Michael R. Solomon, Gary J. Bamossy, Soren Askegaard, and Margaret K. Hogg

A pioneering work combining international frontier theory in consumer behavior with Chinese local practice. Pay attention to the profound influence of social media on consumer behavior; present new consumer behavior characteristics in the new network environment; analyze new hotspot marketing and consumption events.

Understanding Business

By William G Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh

As the preferred business introductory book, this book covers the business environment, job hunting, business management, human resources, marketing, finance, and other aspects, leading readers to master comprehensive knowledge of business operations. The article is interspersed with rich columns and pictures, introduces the basic business principles in a simple way with real cases from many companies and entrepreneurs around the world.


2、About methodology

Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster

By Alistair Croll and Benjamin Yoskovitz

This book shows how to validate your vision, find real customers, create profitable products, and increase your company’s visibility. More than 30 case studies, the insights of more than 100 well-known entrepreneurs around the world, presenting hard-won, proven entrepreneurial experiences for everyone to read.


Head First Data Analysis: A learner’s guide to big numbers, statistics, and good decisions

By Michael Milton

Head First Data Analysis vividly presents readers with excellent techniques that should be known to data analysts: basic steps of data analysis, experimental methods, optimization methods, hypothesis testing methods, Bayes statistical method, subjective probabilistic method, heuristic method, histogram method, regression method, error processing, related database, data sorting skills.


Data Divination: Big Data Strategies

By Pam Baker and Bob Gourley


Big data is changing our world. The rapid development of the Internet and the mobile communication market has created a large amount of data. Data availability and data applications have had a huge impact on business and the broader social area. Effective use of big data helps companies analyze critical information more accurately, ultimately improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, reducing risk, accelerating innovation, and increasing revenue. This book details the planning and execution of big data strategies, with a number of real-world examples from 10 different industries. You’ll learn about the concept of big data and how to use big data—from computing ROI and big data strategies that drive business cases to the overall development and specific projects.


Sexy Little Numbers: How to Grow Your Business Using the Data You Already Have

by Dimitri Maex and Paul B. Brown

Today, all our actions are generating data, and the number is huge. Every time you browse the web, search, or surf the Internet with your smartphone, you’ll almost add billions of bytes of data, and this increase is still growing. Such huge amounts of data can help us better understand and predict customer behavior. The big news is that we no longer need to be proficient in math or statistics, or even rely on expensive modeling software to analyze customers. Data analysis is setting off a revolution. As if overnight, the methods and tools for mining these “big data” became extraordinarily simple and the price was no longer high. From the industry leader – Ogilvy & Mather’s Managing Director, in this book tells you how to use data to identify the most profitable customers and use the most effective way to reach these customers, thereby increasing their purchasing power.


Beyond Big Data: Using Social MDM to Drive Deep Customer Insight

By Martin Oberhofer, Eberhard Hechler, Ivan Milman, Scott Schumacher, and Dan Wolfson

Combining social data, mobile data, location data and main data can create a closer relationship with existing customers, adopt appropriate products, improve the way to find new customers, and gain a deeper understanding of customer ideas and Product perspectives, Beyond Big Data will teach you how to get to know your customers through social master data management.


Although the concept of data analysis is very popular, I believe that we can never break the world into data and algorithms, but let humans use data and algorithms to make the world more concrete.

After the end of the work, I believe that there is no better way to relax than reading a book. I’m sure that these ten books will let you understand more about data analysis and answer your doubts!


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