Number Name Date of Birth Gende Qualification Scholarship
1 Nancy 1948-12-08 M Middle ¥2000.00
2 Andrew 1952-02-19 F High School ¥3000.00
3 Janet 1963-08-30 M Middle ¥2500.00
4 Margaret 1937-09-19 College ¥2600.00
5 Steven 1955-03-04 F Junior ¥2100.00
6 Michael 1963-07-02 F Master ¥3500.00
7 Robert 1960-05-29 F Junior ¥2900.00
8 Laura 1958-01-29 M College ¥1800.00
9 Anne 1966-01-27 M Junior ¥2200.00
10 Chris 1970-09-18 F Junior ¥2300.00

As shown, the display format and display values​​, make the report more readable enhancements, more beautiful.

Here we look at the process of using java reporting tools FineReport achieve the above statements.

1.Connect database frDemo

2.Design Report

2.1 New Report

2.2 Meter sample design
The basic framework of the following diagram design good report.

basic framework

Create a data set called emp_sql
SQL statements:select empid,empname,birthday,sex,degree,bonous from employee

2.4 Binding data columns

Binding data columns
Follow these forms will be dragged into the field data sets corresponding statements within the cell, and make the appropriate settings.

cell Contents The basic property settings
A2 emp_sql.EMPID Extend from top to bottom,center, and the remaining default
B2 emp_sql.EMPNAME Extend from top to bottom,center, and the remaining default
C2 emp_sql.BIRTHDAY Extend from top to bottom,center, and the remaining default
D2 emp_sql.SEX Extend from top to bottom,center, and the remaining default
E2 emp_sql.DEGREE Extend from top to bottom,center, and the remaining default
F2 emp_sql.BONUS Extend from top to bottom,center, and the remaining default

3.Display Format Sets

  • Date field displays the set format

    Right-click the cell C2 | Style | Date,select yyyy-MM-dd format (pictured), and click OK
    Date style

  • bonus field shows the format Setting
    cell F2 is set right click | Style | currency,select the display format for ¥ 12345.68 (eg ), click OK
  • currency style

  • Show value setting
  • Gender field displays the value setting

    Double-click the cell D2 cell data column settings pop-up box, click Advanced, enter if in a custom display value ($$$ == 1, ‘male’, ‘female’), and click OK. If (condition value 1 value 2):If the condition is satisfied, equal to the value 1. If not satisfied, equal to the value 2

  • Gender field displays the value setting

  • Setting academic field displays values

    To add data collection deg_sqlSQL statement:select ID,name from degreesE2 cell right-click | Form | Data Dictionary | data query,data set name selection deg_sql report dataset under column number (actual value) is set to 1, the column number (display value) to 2 (Fig. 1), preview (Figure 2), and click OK. Column number (actual value) is encoded in the report design field where the column number is displayed, that is to be placed among the field to a report in the report design.

    Column number (displayed value) is represented by the actual data encoding where the column number, which is then converted by the data dictionary, the actual data when the report preview to see.

  • Define data dictionary

4.Save Preview

Save as:

Start the Report Server, enter the following address in your browser to browse: