FineReport reporting platform is an independent report management system developed by Finereport company, in reporting platform, administrators can achieve report management, user management, authority management, and platform management, users can access, collect, completing reports, completion of the business activities. With the FineReport powerful data connectivity, reporting capabilities, the reporting platform can easily become the Report Center, offers a variety of data and reporting support for each department.
As an administrator, how to use the various configuration management reporting platform it?

Into the reporting platform (data decision system)

One way is to enter the software from FineReport Report: Open Designer, select the “Server”, click “Report Platform Management”, you can enter. User first enters the reporting platform, the system administrator will be asked to fill out the account and password, set up, click on “enter data decision system” can be.
Another approach is to directly enter the URL: enter in the browser “Server IP address:? Port number/project name / ReportServer op = fs” can be.
It should be noted that the global nature of the user’s system configuration, such as user management, privilege allocation settings are not all users can make changes, you need to assign an administrator account, only the account login to be able to be set.

The appearance of the image and configuration reports Platform

Appearance of reports Platform
You can see from the picture above, reporting platform (Data Decision System) into the navigation bar, reports directory, the report shows the panel of three functional areas. To better meet the needs of users, FineReport reporting platform provides a platform for the appearance of DIY feature, users can freely set the system login background image, platform title, platform URL, the top navigation bar chart styles and styles.
FineReport reporting platform

Report Management

Report Manager and Report Manager includes catalog management, report management, including directory management and reporting management. Catalog management refers to the virtual directory deletions change; Report Manager for a directory, add and delete templates that directory. Click on “Manage System> Report Manager”, you can easily manage reports.

User Management

User Management
Click on “Manage System> User Management” can increase, import, delete users, and institutional sectors. User management, namely configure the user name, project, department, position, role, email and phone. These fields have the default built-in FineReport. When configuring the institutional sector, we must first set the department name, and then enter management positions, and finally add the user.

Authority Management

Authority Management
FineReport reporting platform (Data Decision System) provides role-centric rights management mechanisms, different roles corresponding to different report viewing, reporting, management, authorization privileges. Click on “Manage System> authority Management”, configure permissions receptor statements, and platforms permission. Once configured, you can click on the “user permission to view” and “permission to view” user – Report of bi-check to make sure the permissions configured correctly.

Registration information and system monitoring

Registration information refers to the view of some version of the report project information and a list of the current function of purchase. Click on “Manage System> Registration Information”, you can see FineReport’s license and registration feature list.
Click on “Manage System> System Monitoring”, you can view the performance indicators reporting platform, such as the log view, statistics view, system status, and system testing.

Other features configuration

FineReport reporting platform (Data Decision System) can also be “time scheduling”, “data reporting,” “offline Report”, “Integrated Management” configuration, this is no more introduction.