An example of big screen dashboard

The most common scenarios of FineReport large screen are the presentation and visualized analysis of data indicators. Traditionally, the design process is focused on the data and style suitable for large screens.

  • The Data: Determine the specific content of the data that needs to be displayed, and at the same time confirm the requirements for responsiveness of each part of the data, to determine the corresponding visual elements.
  • The Style: Determine the choice of colors and layouts for the large screen.
Big screen dashboard

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To better serve the presentation needs of wider application scenarios and add more visual impact to the large screen, the latest version of FineReport introduces the Opening Effect for a more stylish display.

The Opening Effect refers to the transitional animation or video played before the large screen template is presented, which improves the overall sound and visual effect of large screens. FineReport has provided some cool options for opening effects, and custom opening videos are supported for the client to insert company introduction, brand promotional videos, etc. Like many other settings for FineReport components, we can configure the background, text, and other things for each opening effect.

Note that some complex components, such as scene switching maps or some cool effects, may lead to an increased loading time for large screen initialization. Components of the large screen will be initialized and loaded simultaneously when the opening effect is displayed, so with correct timing, the loading time of large screens can be subtly “hidden” from the viewer’s senses. Okay, let’s have a look.

1. The Built-in and Custom Opening Effects

Below are 2 options of the opening effects FineReport has provided. Both are ready-to-use with a dark-colored sci-fi theme, no need to search for videos or animations by yourself. The effects work perfectly with most of the large screen templates, bringing a smooth transition for an improved overall sound and visual effect.

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On the other hand, you can also configure your opening effect with company introduction, promotional videos, etc., and build an exclusive viewing experience, as well as a unique style for the large screen.

2. More Possibilities with Custom Opening Effects

Create a dashboard in the designer, go to “Template > Opening Effect” and check “Use opening effect” to configure this feature. As you can see below, here you can set the aspect ratio, opening text, transition, and other custom effects.

You can find Opening Effect from navigation bar

You can configure the aspect ratio for wide and ultra-wide screens. Here we use 16:9 for wide screens, and 32:9 for ultra-wide screens.

The opening text will be displayed with the background video and fade out as the playback ends.

An example of opening text
Another example of opening text

As with many custom components, the opening effects of a large screen also support the color theme and image background customization. All right, let’s look at segmented transition next.

3. Segmented Opening Videos for All Your Needs

There are two parts of the displayed built-in video: Background and Transition. These two parts are sequential and act as a smooth transition between the opening effect and the report page.

Let’s take the built-in video as an example. The rotating Earth is the first part – Background.

The first part is a background

And the second part, the Transition, begins when you see a sudden zoom in on the earth. Configured opening text will display with the video and fade out once the Transition begins.

The second part is a transition

4. Automatically and Manually Exit Opening with Time Control

There are 2 options for opening exit: “Automatic exit” and “Click to exit”

The Background video plays first when users access the large screen. After a set period, or once clicked, the Transition video will be on.

So, here you can configure a proper period for complex components to load, and then switch to the large screen. Thus, a seamless user experience can be provided.

You can set the elapsed time of the opening video

What we have here is a smart but simple configuration. All you need to do is to download the latest FR10.0.19 from our official site or update the plugin for extended charts to V4.5, and all the cool opening effects are at your service!

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